Create scriptable object unity
Create scriptable object unity

create scriptable object unity


Because this SerializedObject instance persists for the lifetime of the Editor instance, the base implementation of OnInspectorGUI handles calling Update before drawing any controls, as well as calling ApplyModifiedProperties after any user interaction. The Editor class has a serializedObject property that provides a stream to all of the inspected targets (SineAnimation components in this case), which makes it easy to support editing multiple objects at the same time. Put it in a script called SineAnimation.cs: The following example script defines a component that animates an object’s local position using a sine function.

create scriptable object unity

One of the most common uses of the SerializedObject and SerializedProperty classes is when creating custom Editors, where using SerializedObject is the recommended approach as opposed to modifying inspected target objects directly. Respectively, note that two different SerializedObject streams with the same target objects are independent from one another and you must manually synchronize them in this fashion if one or more of them is maintained over the course of several frames. If you keep a reference to a SerializedObject instance for more than one frame, you must make sure to manually call its SerializedObject.Update method before you read any data from it, as one or more target objects may have been modified elsewhere, such as from a separate SerializedObject stream. Any changes that you make to a SerializedProperty accessed within this data stream must ultimately be flushed via the SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties method. When you first create a SerializedObject instance it is up-to-date. For example, if you have several Behaviours of different types in the data stream, the only property they have in common may be 'm_Enabled'. SerializedObject opens a data stream to one or more target Unity objects at a time, which allows you to simultaneously edit serialized data that the objects share in common.

Create scriptable object unity